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Collapse 折叠面板




<script setup lang="ts">
import { type CollapseItemName } from "eric-ui";
import { ref } from "vue";

const activeNames = ref(["1"]);

function handleChange(val: CollapseItemName[]) {

  <er-collapse v-model="activeNames" @change="handleChange">
    <er-collapse-item title="Consistency" name="1">
        Consistent with real life: in line with the process and logic of real
        life, and comply with languages and habits that the users are used to;
        Consistent within interface: all elements should be consistent, such as:
        design style, icons and texts, position of elements, etc.
    <er-collapse-item title="Feedback" name="2">
        Operation feedback: enable the users to clearly perceive their
        operations by style updates and interactive effects;
        Visual feedback: reflect current state by updating or rearranging
        elements of the page.
    <er-collapse-item title="Efficiency" name="3">
        Simplify the process: keep operating process simple and intuitive;
        Definite and clear: enunciate your intentions clearly so that the users
        can quickly understand and make decisions;
        Easy to identify: the interface should be straightforward, which helps
        the users to identify and frees them from memorizing and recalling.
    <er-collapse-item title="Controllability" name="4">
        Decision making: giving advices about operations is acceptable, but do
        not make decisions for the users;
        Controlled consequences: users should be granted the freedom to operate,
        including canceling, aborting or terminating current operation.


通过 accordion 属性来设置是否以手风琴模式显示。

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'

const activeNames = ref(['1'])

  <er-collapse v-model="activeNames" accordion>
    <er-collapse-item title="Consistency" name="1">
        Consistent with real life: in line with the process and logic of real
        life, and comply with languages and habits that the users are used to;
        Consistent within interface: all elements should be consistent, such as:
        design style, icons and texts, position of elements, etc.
    <er-collapse-item title="Feedback" name="2">
        Operation feedback: enable the users to clearly perceive their
        operations by style updates and interactive effects;
        Visual feedback: reflect current state by updating or rearranging
        elements of the page.
    <er-collapse-item title="Efficiency" name="3">
        Simplify the process: keep operating process simple and intuitive;
        Definite and clear: enunciate your intentions clearly so that the users
        can quickly understand and make decisions;
        Easy to identify: the interface should be straightforward, which helps
        the users to identify and frees them from memorizing and recalling.
    <er-collapse-item title="Controllability" name="4">
        Decision making: giving advices about operations is acceptable, but do
        not make decisions for the users;
        Controlled consequences: users should be granted the freedom to operate,
        including canceling, aborting or terminating current operation.


通过具名 slot 来实现自定义面板的标题内容,以实现增加图标等效果。

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'

const activeNames = ref(['1'])

  <er-collapse v-model="activeNames" accordion>
    <er-collapse-item name="1">
      <template #title>
        <span style="color: var(--er-color-danger)"> Consistency </span>
        <er-icon icon="question-circle" />
        Consistent with real life: in line with the process and logic of real
        life, and comply with languages and habits that the users are used to;
        Consistent within interface: all elements should be consistent, such as:
        design style, icons and texts, position of elements, etc.
    <er-collapse-item title="Feedback" name="2">
        Operation feedback: enable the users to clearly perceive their
        operations by style updates and interactive effects;
        Visual feedback: reflect current state by updating or rearranging
        elements of the page.
    <er-collapse-item title="Efficiency" name="3">
        Simplify the process: keep operating process simple and intuitive;
        Definite and clear: enunciate your intentions clearly so that the users
        can quickly understand and make decisions;
        Easy to identify: the interface should be straightforward, which helps
        the users to identify and frees them from memorizing and recalling.
    <er-collapse-item title="Controllability" name="4">
        Decision making: giving advices about operations is acceptable, but do
        not make decisions for the users;
        Controlled consequences: users should be granted the freedom to operate,
        including canceling, aborting or terminating current operation.


通过 disabled 属性来设置 CollapseItem 是否禁用。

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'

const activeNames = ref(['1'])

  <er-collapse v-model="activeNames">
    <er-collapse-item title="Consistency" name="1">
        Consistent with real life: in line with the process and logic of real
        life, and comply with languages and habits that the users are used to;
        Consistent within interface: all elements should be consistent, such as:
        design style, icons and texts, position of elements, etc.
    <er-collapse-item title="Feedback" name="2" disabled>
        Operation feedback: enable the users to clearly perceive their
        operations by style updates and interactive effects;
        Visual feedback: reflect current state by updating or rearranging
        elements of the page.
    <er-collapse-item title="Efficiency" name="3" disabled>
        Simplify the process: keep operating process simple and intuitive;
        Definite and clear: enunciate your intentions clearly so that the users
        can quickly understand and make decisions;
        Easy to identify: the interface should be straightforward, which helps
        the users to identify and frees them from memorizing and recalling.
    <er-collapse-item title="Controllability" name="4">
        Decision making: giving advices about operations is acceptable, but do
        not make decisions for the users;
        Controlled consequences: users should be granted the freedom to operate,
        including canceling, aborting or terminating current operation.

Collapse API


v-model当前展开项的 nameCollapseItemName[][]


change切换面板时触发(name: CollapseItemName[]) => void


NameDescriptionSub Component

CollapseItem API




default默认插槽 ,CollapseItem 内容
titleCollapseItem 的标题


ps: 上面提到的 CollapseItemName 类型,可以理解为 string | number 类型。